The Flyer

The Flyer
'What Do You Call it?'

Saturday, 20 March 2010

The Writing Levels are Going Up!

Last night, I read a chapter from my book ‘What Do You Call It?’ at an event called the ‘African Writer’s Evening’ in Covent Garden, West London. I happen to believe that in ‘What Do You Call It?’ I have written a book that will revolutionise African/Africa Diaspora literature. It’s funny and it features crime but none of it armed robbery/cocaine/civil war related. ‘What Do You Call It?’ is a wildly original book that deserves a reading where the voice of my characters explode with colour and the voice of my narrative oozes with style and humour.

My reading was RUBBISH! The people there argued that I was actually quite good but I know the truth. I didn’t do my book justice kraa.
Now, I probably shouldn’t be telling you this because I will soon be inviting you to events where I'll be reading (starting next month) and I hope to see you London based friends and followers there. I know writers ain't in fashion right now but we're coming back!

Anyway, where was I?...Darzzit! I was rubbish! Seriously, I have to give BIGGG up Author Eddie K Danso (check out his work in progess website: makes his entertaining David J type book readings look TOO easy! I have got much to do so that people know what I know they should know. They NEED to buy a copy of ‘What Do You Call It?’ when it comes out and waste no time about it. I make no excuses...actually I do; It was only the second time I have ever read aloud from my book in front of people AND I wasn’t scheduled to read (I caught the host slipping! ( ; ) and I had come there straight from work so I was in work clobber (that’s ‘clothes’ for you Americans and Ghanaian Ghanaians). That’s not to say I wasn’t looking good. I always try to look good but a whistle and flute. That’s rhyming slang for ‘suit’. I haven’t figured out what my writer uniform will be but last night’s...wasn’t it.
Abada and dashikis-ELIMINATED
LRG type US urba*nwear (Talib Kweli style) –MAYBE,
Blazer, funny+style tee, Yessir Arafat scarf, Ghana coloured trainers –PROBABLY

But don’t worry, I'll be practising the whole reading thing at a bunch of small writer events starting 90 minutes after I post this at a writing group called ‘Utter’ in Haringey. The first time I read there which was the very first time I had read anywhere I had tonsillitis and I STILL tied with the eventual winner as the writer the attendees would most like to see read at bigger £10 per head event in King’s Cross...sooo maybe I'm not that bad.

What can I say - The writing levels just went up!

Sorry if got too deep and necessarily introspective on you. I'm thinking there’ll be a few of these as I navigate new phases in this writing journey of mine...but mostly don’t worry-I'll keep supplying you blogs . ( with the humour to which you’ve become accustomed.

Apart from that it was hustle as normal -I gave my book/blog flyers to everybody who attended, collected cards and otherwise made the acquaintance of potentially useful peoples. So, it continues!

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