Further to my blog on the film ‘Coz ov Moni’ I have scripted a personal remix to their Wanlov The Kubolor and M3nsa -AKA the Fokn Bois' song Brken Lngwjz!
After hearing this particular song on the soundtrack of the film there’s probably no questions fans should have have about the Fokn Bois. I remixed it for myself and though I'm no poet I'll figure out a way of puttin it toi the right kind of instrumental. Totally and utterly self-indulgent -but phukkit this is my blog and hopefully you laugh if I want you to!
Check it out:
The “I'm from Ghana [but I'm not short am I!"] sometimes over-compensator,
The stand up comedians are the new prophets believer,
The ‘if you have to ask you won’t understand’ negotiator,
The medieval African history and now ancient history try-to-reader,
The capitalist and imperialist –yes but lizard-jew-conspiracy not sure if I believer,
The only HBO, MOTD and OBE TV watcher,
The movies from the west writing-acting be the finest but African comedy dey bee sayer,
The cockney rhyming pidgin slang mixer,
The yeah she’s got a big bum but “lookherFACE” headshaker,
The I'm going to be marry an African woman –they EXPENSIVE must preparer!
The “whydon’tIhaveaBritishpassport?” ‘because you won’t understand’ explanation avoider,
The Hacknee&La travellertodefender,
The what’stheworsethatcanhappen maxim liver byer,
The I believe in a God but not religiously aGNOSTICer,
The also Busta Rhymes Fela Kuti truster,
The bum to waist ratio calculator, & if I grab her bum she’ll slap me but worth it nodder.
The America and English are WICKEDEVILLER but also Africans blamer
The “Yeah I get money for drop-in but I’L trotro it” hailer,
The ‘If I wanted to hustle you -you’d be hustled’ hustla,
The “Virgin?! But can you prove it?!” disbeliever,
The your secret is safe with me because I'll forget itta,
The Kwame Nkrumah, Marcus Garvey and Imhotep follower and aspirer,
The Nelson Mandela AND Barack Obama mightcan be over-rated agreer
The “What has Will Smith, Wesley and Denzil got that I don’t have?” complainer
The drug dealers are the new slave catchers sayer.
The I know writers ain’t ‘IN’ right now but we’re coming back mek I believer
The yeah we need a revolution but we need to be organised and on time first.
The not homophobic but we have a problem if you compare it to racism vexer
The offend ‘em then apologiser
The DVD bootleg buyer and music but never porn downloader
The public sector because the private bosses greed too much worker
The ‘Yeah you have a bigger car but can you game like me?’ swaggerer
The make smiler! the procrastinator! the compromiser! The Black Star supporter!
The secret Nigerian admirer! The funny statuser! The equivocator! The joke teller! The humour writer! The planner! The talker! The on-timer! The bad driver! The non-swearer! The temporary non-drinker! The toothpaste bottom squeezer! The lazy blogger!